[SPOILERS ahead, I recommend that you watch the episode before you continue!]
[SPOILERS ahead, I recommend that you watch the episode before you continue!]
My highlights from this episode (without particular order):
1 – Batwoman goes Walking Dead! Well, yeah....not really of course ;-). But we have Zombies in the episode. Ok, more like "Zombies light" as they are not undead and "just" have a hunger for human flesh. Once again it clearly shows that Batwoman is by far the darkest show of the Arrowverse, and I love that! Here no giant, blue fluffy toy walks around ;-). At first, you would think that Zombies wouldn't fit into the more realistic setting....but with that reason for the zombie problem, it still works in my opinion. And I laughed as the first guy who was looking for a new all-blue Snakebite dose called it "smurf" edition :lol: . And laughs like that were dearly needed as the episode is the darkest of the whole show in some regards. ---- Oh, and the scene where Batwoman was surrounded by zombies who had her pinned down to the ground...was intense! A good action scene!
2 – How a fundraiser can go south! With knowing the trailer for the episode...it was no surprise that they would get arrested in that scene. It was interesting how Luke tried to play it defensively as he knew they wouldn't win any confrontation with the cops. Ryan's strong sense of justice escalated the situation. I admire her for that....but as Luke said later on in prison.... you should perhaps better pick the fights that you can win. #playing it smart - However, this scene and the scene in the prison were a clear, strong statement...an important one! I like how Sophie, Ryan, and Luke were discussing the issue in the prison.
3 – Mary and Jacob! There were some strong scenes between them. Jacob's secret is out and Mary can now help him. Sophie telling him how he is hunting after Kate and Beth in his Snakebite fantasies.... and at the same time losing the one daughter that actually is still there was quite emotional. They also had some nice bonding moments together. Will be interesting to see if Mary can help to get him off the drugs or if they need help from Ocean for that.
4 – Ocean and Alice! Hmh, I totally get Alice and what she is up to. She wants Kate back as she found out she is still alive. But what is Ocean up to? Safiyah tasked him to get the Desert Rose back that Batwoman has. But there must be more.... The fact that he killed Enigma to keep Alice away from getting her Kate back, was a little odd. Is he so jealous of Kate? Is he so afraid he might lose Alice? Do Safiyah and he knows that Kate was the original Batwoman? Pretty sure Safiyah has a bigger plan than to just get the Desert Rose back. But is he still fully loyal to Safiyah? After all, Safiyah won't like that he is working with Alice and also (seemingly) in love with her. He thinks that Kate is "toxic" for Alice and told her that it would be better if she wouldn't try to get her (memories) back.
5 – Sophie and the Crows! As Sophie realized that these Crows under Tavaroff's command wouldn't follow her orders she quit. I think it was a good thing that she tried to change them from the inside. But one good Crow isn't enough to do that. I wonder what she will do now? She certainly will help team Batwoman out here and there, but she needs a day job as well. And when she will help Batwoman at night....she will sooner or later have to fight the Crows. She hardly can do that without a mask....so maybe a costume of some kind would be in order? ;-)
6 - Agent/asshat Tavaroff goes full villain! He was already established as a villain in the last episodes. But now, oh man, he really is the most evil guy in the whole season! And Batwoman will now be really angry as hell. They will battle it out, and Jacob will be the only guy who could hold the Crows back. Question is, if he is still able to lead them right now, maybe he goes into rehab? Pretty sure Batwoman will have some big fights against the Crows in the upcoming episodes!
7 - That cliffhanger ending! Well, I'm 99,9999% sure that Luke will make it, but that ending will have a big impact on the storyline for sure! The bad news is that there won't be a new Batwoman episode on the next two Sundays. The good news is that we get all final 4 episodes of this season in June :-)
Aspects I didn't like in this episode:
>>> As much as I do like zombie movies, I could have done without them showing up in this show. Especially mixing zombies into an episode with such big political statements....is kind of a weird mix. And right now I'm a little tired of zombies.
>>> Tavaroff shoots Luke three times at close range. I think we can assume that all shots hit him. One hit is already very dangerous, depending on where it hits. But surviving three shots? I am sure it is possible....but one shot would have been "enough" for that scene. I mean have all three shots missed vital organs? Perhaps he will need to get the Desert Rose to be saved?
More interesting aspects for me:
>>> Julia is still missing, and now Enigma is dead who could have restored her memory easily. Guess it now takes time that Julia fully remembers. I hope she will be back for some episodes before the season ends. After all, she had very little screentime so far!
>>> Even we had the most screentime of unmasked Wallis Day so far, it wasn't much. Looking forward to seeing much more of her!
>>> The zombie guy with a conscience was an interesting idea. Seems that some of the zombies have more control over themselves than others. And I'm pretty sure he forgot about eating humans for a while as Mary was standing in front of him with these killer boots and that leather skirt ;-) . And by the way: Ryan and Sophie had hot outfits as well!
>>> At first I was thinking about what was Sophie expecting as the Crows were attacked by the zombies. If a flesh-eating zombie attacks me I would shoot too (if I have a gun). But the Crows had other options, they surely could have used tasers or could have shot them in the legs to stop them. But ok, they didn't know there was a cure for them.
>>> Very ironic that the cop who put Ryan in prison then gets saved by Batwoman.
>>> Good that Ryan kept her cover in front of Imani. Yeah, it's not easy to have to lie to her...when she once again has something "to do" and has to leave. But it's the right call not to give away her secret identity. That secret must be kept from folks outside the Batteam.
>>> Alice tieing up Enigma to the ceiling was a classic Alice move. Very fitting!
>>> Rating “General:” <<<

3,5 out of 5 - A good, dark episode with some strong statements! Some horror elements included.