.....her secret identity from Sophie? The first episode and the last one (5 - Mine is a sad and long tale) had one thing in common when it comes to Sophie:
(from the BatwomanBrasil Twitter channel)
Sophie already suspected that Kate would be under Batwomans cowl.
And I think this scene made her sure about it

When you watch the trailer for the next episode...
....it shows that Sophie even tells that to Batwoman.
Now I wonder: Will Batwoman deny that? Will she try to persuade/trick her that Kate and Batwoman are different people?
Because I think she definetely should try to do that by any means! Her secret identity is verrrry important and even Sophie won't do anything against her NOW....it would be a great risk!
What if Sophie would turn against Kate at some point? She could then always blackmail her with that knowledge.
And in addition, knowing this secret can be dangerous to Sophie herself. She could easily get into the crosshairs of bad guys if they would ....for example....see Batwoman close to Sophie for multiple times.
And how could she persuade her that Kate isn't the Batwoman?
In the comments of the trailer I found two ideas and there is another one:
- Some fancy Wayne tech could be used so perhaps Sophie could hear Kates voice on the radio while seeing Batwoman at the same time. Or other possibilites that tech would offer....
- She could even use the masks that Mouse uses to mimic Kate and put that person next to Batwoman (and let Sophie see this
- Or someone else could be used to dress up as Batwoman....and Kate would show herself with that one for Sophie
Of course the last two options would have to involve someone who might have to be included on Kates secret identity...that could cause some problems of its own.
What do you think? Will she try to persuade Sophie that Kate isn't Batwoman? Should she do it? Will it be successfull?