So, Kate Kane was captured, severly injured, brainwashed, and reprogrammed to believe she was a different person. Now, believing that she is Circe Sionis, she is faced with a fact that she can't rectify. Circe Sionis died. The woman in all the photos of Circe has different colored eyes, and Alice claims she is actually her sister, Kate Kane. Whew! So now, Alice is beginning to regain her sanity and Kate's only hope is that Alice somehow gets this knowledge that Kate is alive to team Batwoman. The stage for the rest of the season is set and we are very excited! Here's what stood out to us tonight:
- Circe is Reborn: We pick up right where we left off last week. Alice is granted her freedom due to the work she provided for Circe and Black Mask. Alice tries to stay with Circe knowing she is Kate but Black Mask's men escort her out. Batwoman is hunting down Black Mask leads where she runs into a flesh hungry Snake Bite user. After receiving a noise complaint, the GCPD go to the fundraiser where they arrest Ryan, Luke and several others after Ryan refuses to stop the music, pay a fine or wrap up the fundraiser.
- Arrested: Sophie arrives at the party to see the officer finishing his write up on the disturbance. She gets in his face and he arrests her too. Now Sophie, Ryan and Luke are all arrested in jail. Meanwhile, a snakebite user gets the zombie serum. He attacks a GCPD officer to eat his flesh. Alice heads to Enigma's office where she captures her and demands her to return Kate. To put a new person in Kate, Enigma had to shatter Kate's persona. Getting something that is uniquely Kate Kane might be the only thing that could possibly undo the reprogramming. At Mary's clinic, she observes Jacob's recovery while the zombie guy runs in, hand cuffs himself to a bed and begs for treatment.
- Underground Train: Alice has a base in an abandoned underground subway. Ocean is there waiting for her. She tells Ocean that Kate is alive and looks for something to trigger Kate's memory. Mary discovers whatever is in the new snakebite is not snakebite. Its some kind of new drug. Another person is arrested and he tells Sophie, Ryan and Luke that the city is being overrun by zombies now that the new snakebite has taken hold.
- Freedom: Sophie's sister gets a civil rights lawyer and the crew is released from jail. Ryan is interested in Sophie's sister but her double life gets in the way. Ryan is set to be Batwoman on the case. Mary discovers the new drug makes people crave memories, but other people's memories. They want to eat brains. Mary thinks she figures out what is going on and how to fix it. With Jacob at the clinic, Sophie assumes command of the Crows. Mary has created a cure. Luke has a device to inject the cure but Batwoman must brave the streets to administer it to each zombie.
- Keys are the Key: Kate was the first to ride a motorcycle when they were kids and it represented freedom for her. Showing Kate these keys might force her to remember who she is. Enigma reveals that the way to save Kate is to give her the keys but Alice will need a key word. Enigma was killed before she could hear the key word. Batwoman administers the cure to Gotham. The Crows arrive and don't give the infected a chance and murder them all. Batwoman couldn't save them. At the clinic, Jacob is pleased to see what Mary's clinic can do. He tells her why he used the Snakebite. Mary hammers Jacob a bit because his desire to see Kate and Beth again made him abandon her.
In the final wrap up moments, Sophie sees that the Crows are out of control. Sophie decides after the disobeyed orders, she is leaving the Crows for good. Ocean reveals that he killed Enigma because he doesn't want Alice to get Kate back. Ocean confesses his love for Alice. Ocean departs and Alice is forced to contemplate his words. Ryan and Sophie's sister share a drink and Ryan confesses that she can't be giving her full self to Sophie's sister right now. Luke is out for a walk and encounters Eli, the fourth person in the prison. He is stealing a car and Luke goes to stop him. The Crows arrive and take Eli's word that it's Luke stealing the car and he is shot by the Crow.
Let us know what you think in the comments below and in the forum! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter.
Yes, I agree. He is the absolute worst. I think after his comeuppance, he can seek vengeance as a full on villain withOUT the Crows badge to hide behind... but, hopefully way down the road as he smugness really annoys me. He needs to go.
Quoting CatPat: I do prefer superheros teams, myself!
Quoting CatPat: I'm sure he's still working for Safiyah (since he came back to Gotham to recover the Dessert Rose plant that Ryan has), but does Safiyah know that Enigma unlocked Ocean's and Alice's memories? That's the only reason I can think that she'd want Enigma dead. Yeah, something fishy is going on here! Is Ocean really *that* jealous of Kate?!?
Quoting CatPat: Wallis accidentally leaked that she'll be riding the batbike (so clearly Kate will remember enough to get into the batcave!), behind-the-scenes photos have her in some kind of costume, they still have to take down Black Mask, and she has an episode named after her, so at least one of the last four episodes had better have more of Kate!
Quoting CatPat: Last season there were complaints about the "gay agenda" being too in-your-face. The same could be said of this season with the "racial injustice". Sadly, it's going to take this kind of in-your-face approach to get some people to acknowledge these social issues exist. Hopefully, they're not just preaching to the choir, and the message is reaching people.
Yeah... too little Circe-Kate
Sophie would be a good choice for Commissioner. Batman had Gordon, so Batwoman needs Sophie.
Oh that pesky voice modulator... my ongoing pet peeve!
Yes, Tarvaroff needs comeuppance... he could then turn straight on villain.
I like how they are better developing Sophie.
I liked that Jacob and Mary shared some quality time.
I am curious if Luke being shot will potentially trigger his transition to Batwing. I am hoping the answer is yes.
Something felt off about Ocean killing Enigma. While I knew Enigma wouldn't reveal the password to Kate's psyche, I figured she would use it as an insurance policy. Is Ocean on the up and up or does he still hold some allegiance to Safiyah? Hmmm...
What's next for Circe-Kate? Hopefully more next episode than this one.
My favorite part of tonight's episode had to be "doctor" Mary's boots. So cool!
Overall, a pretty strong anti-white/morally corrupt narrative in this episode.
Sadly, way too little of Circe-Kate.
I liked Alice's scenes. I knew Enigma was going to die before revealing how to reverse the brainwashing. Wasn't expecting it to be Ocean to kill her, tho.
With Sophie leaving the Crows, I wonder if she'll consider the (still open?) position of GCPD Commissioner?!?
Again, BW2.0 was not using the voice modulator at any time.
I wonder why Richard (the one that chewed his hand off) was able to maintain some control and awareness of what was happening to him, whereas all of the other zombies were animalistic?
I was really hoping the a$$hole cop would get eaten. BW2.0 arrived too soon.
I'm seriously hoping that karma catches up to Tavaroff and gives him the serious smackdown he deserves. I'm sure Luke's phone (with the evidence) is going to "disappear".
GAH!!! THREE weeks til the next episode!